Few unknown facts about dogs

Few unknown facts about dogs

Stress and anxiety are not the only causes of ingrown hairs in humans, but dogs also have this problem. Any worry, fear, fear of the unknown causes their hair to become thin, white...

They Dream Just Like You: Dogs dream just like humans when they're asleep. When they sleep, it can be seen that someone suddenly shakes, someone suddenly pulls their legs, someone mumbles in their sleep, and someone makes various facial expressions while sleeping. All these are symptoms of their dreaming. Know that while sleeping, the dog also dreams of his master, the experience of spending the whole day with the master. So try to spend the whole day happily with her, so that her dreams are beautiful

Curly Hair:
Stress and anxiety are not the only causes of ingrown hairs in humans, but dogs also have this problem. From any worry, fear, fear of the unknown, their hair becomes thin, white. This coarse hair is usually seen in dogs, around their noses and mouths. However, the amount of mature hair in dogs increases with age. But that's normal.

Attention is very important:

If you pay attention to dogs, they show a lot. As a result, whenever you want to look at her, you have to use different facial expressions to show how much you care about her. And if they realize that you are paying attention to them, that's when their tongue out, barking sounds increase a lot. So paying attention to them is very important

They are very conscious of time:

Know that dogs are very aware of time.  

  Few unknown facts about dogs

They have a perfect idea of ​​when to take him to the park, when to take him for a walk, when to take the chain off his neck. As people calculate by seconds-minutes-hours, they are not. Based on the training they receive before, they develop an accurate idea of ​​future events.

They smell fear:

Many people believe that if they are scared by the sight of a dog, the dog will pick up on that smell. Yes indeed, dogs can smell this fear. And when they realize it, they feel a lot of pressure. Dogs can smell not only emotion or fear, but also stress and anxiety. They can understand many feelings of the mind by looking at people's movements, body gestures, standing

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