
Terrível_Se #Episode_25

Terrível_Se #Episode_25 #M H Manir "Padre, eu queria te contar uma coisa. Mas desde que você chegou, você não foi avisado. Há uma grande boa notícia para você." Shravan ouviu as palavras enquanto comia na mesa de jantar. Ratan Mia, que estava comendo na cadeira ao lado dele, olhou para ele com interesse. disse com uma voz animada, "Qual é a boa notícia sogro? Diga-me rapidamente." Ouvindo suas palavras, Ratna Begum e Chandni também olharam para Shravan com olhos interessados. Ele parou de comer e começou a dizer: "Você sabe que sou órfão. Meus pais não têm irmãos ou irmãs. Eu estava indo muito bem com qualquer propriedade que meu pai deixou antes de morrer. Mas um dia depois de deixar Chandni aqui, um advogado veio me ver. sobre a enorme propriedade do meu avô. Que não foi herdada. Então ele quer escrever todas as suas propriedades apenas para mim. No começo eu não podia acreditar. Mas depois descobri que ele estava dizendo a verdade. E por ter aquela proprieda...

10 year nex coming

Após 10 anos de casamento, meu marido sentiu que deveria se casar pela 2ª vez.Vishan ficou surpreso ao ver que minha sogra tem total apoio. Você acha que não temos filhos então o marido quer se casar?? Uhu, nada disso Mashallah, temos 2 filhos (7) e uma filha (5). Perguntei a ele o motivo do casamento e ele respondeu que eu ganho mais dinheiro, minha esposa está grávida, qual é o problema se eu fizer outro!!!! E há regras no Islã. Eu disse: “Uau, o Islã é bom, então ore 5 vezes?” Então meu marido ficou com raiva e disse: “Você fala demais”. Meu desejo é que uma de minhas filhas goste muito do meu escritório e eu me case com ela. Dizendo isso ele saiu da sala, eu o observei ir como se não soubesse o que fazer. Na verdade, seu salário era de 23 mil na época do meu casamento. E agora a promoção ultrapassou 2 lakhs. Ainda me lembro daqueles dias em que costumava orar e chorar por sua melhora. Eu servi a sogra doente por tanto tempo!! Hoje ele me respondeu se meu filho sabe nada...

The story of the dog, cat and mouse

The story of the dog, cat and mouse """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""" Although it was not difficult to recognize the fox, the dog had a lot of difficulty in recognizing cats and wild cats. The dog's brain was mixed with cats and wildcats. Although he was not friendly with the cat, he had no enmity. But foxes and wildcats are great enemies of dogs. Two reasons. One. The puppies are eaten by foxes and wild cats The story of the dog, cat and mouse Suman Biswas Story/Escape The story of the dog, cat and mouse Suman Biswas symbolic picture Although it was not difficult to recognize the fox, the dog had a lot of trouble in recognizing the cat and wild cat. The dog's brain was mixed with cats and wildcats. Although he was not friendly with the cat, he had no enmity. Bu...

"The story of Tuntuni and the cat".

 "The story of Tuntuni and the cat". Book of Tuntuni – Upendrakishore Roychowdhury  Talking about Tuntuni and the cat © Short Q&A Question: Where and how did the tuntuni nest?  Answer: Tuntuni made a nest by sewing the leaves of the household eggplant. Q: How many chicks did Tuntuni have? What did they do? Answer: Tuntuni had three tiny chicks. They could not fly, they could not blink. He was just laughing. Question: He will eat Tuntuni chicks. Who is talking about here? Answer: Domestic cat is mentioned here. Q: What does Tuntuni tell her chicks to do? Answer: Tuntuni tells her chicks to fly and sit on another tree branch. Question: Then Tuntuni raised his leg and kicked him and said - Who kicked whom? Answer: The little bird kicked the cat and said, "Go away, little cat without a goal."  Q: What happened to the naughty cat? Answer: The mischievous cat jumps to the Tuntuni's nest in the eggplant tree to feed the Tuntuni's chicks. But the chi...

100 Pairs of Popular and Uncommon Names for White Cats

100 Pairs of Popular and Uncommon Names for White Cats                      white cat   A beautiful moment for cat owners is when a mother cat gives birth to kittens. And the joy increases when the new kittens are white in color. Because white is a symbol of purity. And the white kitten looks very magical and beautiful. When a mother cat gives birth to more than one kitten at a time, we sometimes struggle to name them. A beautiful name makes your cat more attractive to everyone while the name should be one that matches its character and color. For example, if one puts brown for a white cat, it never fits. So the name should be something that matches its color. Again, the name of male and female cats should be different. Just as we have one type of boy's name and another type of girl's name, if the names of male cats and female cats are different, the matter is more logical and suitable If your pet cat gave birth to ...

Few unknown facts about dogs

Few unknown facts about dogs Stress and anxiety are not the only causes of ingrown hairs in humans, but dogs also have this problem. Any worry, fear, fear of the unknown causes their hair to become thin, white... They Dream Just Like You: Dogs dream just like humans when they're asleep. When they sleep, it can be seen that someone suddenly shakes, someone suddenly pulls their legs, someone mumbles in their sleep, and someone makes various facial expressions while sleeping. All these are symptoms of their dreaming. Know that while sleeping, the dog also dreams of his master, the experience of spending the whole day with the master. So try to spend the whole day happily with her, so that her dreams are beautiful Curly Hair: Stress and anxiety are not the only causes of ingrown hairs in humans, but dogs also have this problem. From any worry, fear, fear of the unknown, their hair becomes thin, white. This coarse hair is usually seen in dogs, around their noses and mouths. ...

A proud dog suicide in search of a little love!

 A proud dog suicide in search of a little love! """""""""""'''""''''"'""""""" 🚑🚑🚑🚑🚑 By breed he was a famous German Shepherd. His owner brought him as a hobby. Named Dustin. After his arrival, he spent a few days happily. The people of the house do not love him! They spent time with him day and night. They even put him in their own bed. But as time went on, the people of the house seemed to be less attracted to him. Even the owner who brought him here as a hobby does not look back at him. Finally, Dustin was left on the roof of the house The roof shades the house. Protects from storm-rain-sun. But there was no shadow over Dustin's head. Storm, rain or the heat of the sun, the poor thing was fed up. When the cold of winter hit him, he would curl up like a ball of cloth. When it started to rain again, Dustin scrambled around for a ...